Friday, February 4, 2011


It has been a while. I need to start writing in this again.. Basically, alot has changed in the past few months.. I have abandoned all of the goals I set (except for the spanish-speaking one) and set new ones on new years eve. So far, I have been able to keep up with all of them. And guess what? It feels great :) I found out that for me to actually meet a goal, It has to be about something I ACTUALLY care about; not just some rubbish that I feel would make me a better person. That being said, lets have a chat about my goals. Basically I promised myself that would be alot more healty this coming year. Since new years (and I know it's only been a month, but still..) I have not eaten candy. I have made it a point to add at least 2 servings MORE of green vegetables to my plate everyday. I eat at least three servings of fruit. I try to go to bed before midnight. I drink enough water. I take my vitamins. I avoid fast food. AND I go to the gym at least 4 times a week.

It is amazing what a difference this makes. I feel so much better than I ever did all through highschool. Not only physically, but ?mentally and emotionally? i guess. :/ Basically, I am just glad to be me, and I have this deep desire to continue growing and improving, and making myself the best I can be. ..

and thats where I hit my next problem

Like I said: I have been going to the gym, almost religiously. The only problem is, I don't know 100% what I am doing.. I have some of the basics down, and they seem to be working for now, but I find myself chained to using the machine section. Now, don't get me wrong. The machines help, BUT, they dont give a full range of motion and so they don't work smaller muscles that are important for things like balance, and "quickness". And that is where free weights come in. You would think that I would just be able to walk over and pick up some weights and throw them around and get a good workout right? Yeah... the only problem is, like I said, I haven't the foggiest what I am doing over there.


I will find out somehow. I just need to get myself a mentor. A sensei. A Mary Poppins. SOMEONE to help show me what to do, and how to do it correctly, so I can continue to grow and eventually be able to help myself. As for now, the machines are working alright. I am seeing results, and I have been told that they are good for form (which is REALLY important in the long run. Without good form you develop bad posture, can hurt your muscles, become lopsided D: blah blah blah the list goes on and on) SO I am going to just "Keep on keepin' on" (Joe Dirt) and work as hard as I can EVERYTIME until I find me a sensei. NOTHING is going to stop me from meeting my goals. I WILL be a fit beach-god, even if I get there via machines that look like medival torture devices. The tools, determination, and desire is all there, I just need to be showed how to use them :) Adios.

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